Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Film Director's Magic

Film Directors have magic powers--everyone knows that. You watch a movie and they talk about "movie magic."

Some directors are better at it than others.

But to be a movie Director means that you have honed your ability to understand human beings. The director's main responsibility is to portray real human beings in unreal circumstances; but to do that, they need to know how humans think, act, react, feel, and express themselves.

Whether sadly or fortunately, the Film Director's "magic abilities" extend to real life: they know better than most people how others around them are going to think, act, react, feel, or express themselves. These others can be friends, loved ones, family, and even enemies.

Few people understand the depth that a film director can perceive--nor do they trust in their experience. But after everything is said and done, it was the film director who chose to take this responsibility. In society, film directors are responsible for making mankind know and understand its biggest strengths and weaknesses: it's people.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bad People

Even bad people have consciences.

Though we don't know his true motivation, Hitler's motive for killing himself can be narrowed down to a few things:
1. He realized how many people he killed in his quest for global domination
2. He realized he could never achieve the things he wanted to in life
3. He wanted to die for the things he believed in and not be captured like others who came before him (Napoleon)

I find comfort in these three motivations because, 1) shows that even he had a conscious, 2) reinforces that bad people will never succeed, 3) we can rest assured that in order to do such evil things you really do have to give up your life to them, and very few people throughout history have given so much of their lives to one thing so evil so there will be very few incredibly bad people.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Consensus, Competition and Universal Balance

This is a photo of plants competing for sunlight.

I was going to include a picture of the yin and yang, but I think everyone knows what that is, what it symbolizes and what it looks like.

Competition is in the Yin and Yang just like it is in this photo. Universal Balance can be seen in this photo and the Yin and Yang--universal balance is the yin and yang! But where is consensus?

When you observe life, consensus is found in rhetoric. It is found in every tongue of every living being. Consensus is a large part of the glue that holds society together. Consensus is supposed to be a tool created by mankind that achieves universal balance peacefully.

However, the natural world does not use consensus. It doesn't need to. It just competes.
And although the man-made world uses consensus, it often uses consensus to the benefit of one group of individual over another group of individual. The difference is that in the name of consensus the mighty either force the weak to submit to their demands or the weak force the mighty to make sacrifices. The mighty, though never completely hobbled, will still continue to shape the weak in whatever way they want, they will merely be forced to deal with additional setbacks along the way.

Consensus is not the end all of the universe; balance is. Things will happen that are supposed to happen, no matter how hard you try to prevent them or slow them down.
The masters of the universe are those people who are mighty--those who are capable of making sacrifices because those sacrifices won't set them back, and those who are capable of making advantageous deals, because the weak are weak enough to submit to them.

In the end every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You choose this day who you will be in the future . Will you be weak or mighty?