Wednesday, June 27, 2012


All people are basically the same.

We're all working to resolve our basic needs: food, water, shelter, sleep, peace, happiness, thrill, intellectual stimulation, feeling a sense of belonging, feeling a sense of importance, finding closure from change and loss, and reframing boredom.

We all have the ability to make decisions, and it isn't just that some people face decisions that others do not get to/have to make, it's that those people have made a certain combination of decisions that opened up the decisions they face today.

Human beings are classified as being capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. Is that just a round-about way of saying that we are capable of knowing when we are feeling things and when we are not?

How do you feel right now?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Circle Light

Just some photos I took on my cellphone walking home today.

Notice the perfect circles that tiny gaps between leaves make. Leaves are not circular, nor are the gaps between them, but the way that light bends creates symetrical circles on the concrete below.

I listed the web color value as opposed to the RGB color values (because this is a website). The light around the circular earth (which isn't exactly circular when you realize that mt. Everest is sticking out a couple miles) bends and creates a gradient. One color (near white) becomes dark blue in the atmosphere--which is really clear.

Life is full of perfection
if you could only see what I see.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


If you follow my other blog: then you probably know a little bit about my background and what interests me--and that's everything. Everything interests me. Life is an interesting balance of good and bad, hard work and pay off, and the opportunity to remain positive or negative. 

I'm starting this blog as a follow-up of my other blog. I'll continue to write both.

The purpose of this blog is to emphasize life. I would say my other blog is an attempt to explain various things that I encounter in daily living life, but I think the natural progression of thought is to stop analyzing life and just enjoy it. 

Life comes in good and bad. It has moments of anticipation and the fulfillment of that anticipation. It has surprises and let downs. It has clarity and ambiguity. But at the end of life everything balances out. Tyrants are overthrown, the poor realize how rich they truly are, and individuals realize the power inside of them that they never knew existed.

I want to keep these short and powerful, so don't expect much more than this.